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Powerful Presentations: Effective Public Speaking Strategies

Time limit: 49 days

$199 Enroll

Full course description


Start Date

June 26, 2024






Powerful Presentations

Digital Badge



5 Weeks



3 Hours Weekly




Increase your ability to deliver effective presentations with this course

Course Description

This course helps you take control of your communication skills by preparing and exploring nonverbal communication, confidence in public speaking, presentation skills, and delivery techniques. In this course, you will explore techniques that you will apply to applicable professional communication settings.

Learning Objectives

  1. Develop a plan to conquer communication apprehension based on individual presentation uncertainties
  2. Apply presentations as a two-way communication process instead of a one-way performance
  3. Explain and demonstrate the steps in the speechmaking process
  4. Select, narrow, and design communication objectives to fit the topic, situation, and audience
  5. Speak in an extemporaneous and conversational delivery style using effective eye contact, gestures, body movement, voice projection, and vocal variety
  6. Speak ethically, confidently, and competently in public settings

Target Learner

Anyone who may be requried to give presentations as a part of their job, including analysts, project managers, business associates, and many more.

Course Topics

  • Presentations
  • Graphic Communications
  • Public Speaking

Meet the Course Developers

Allison Meier Wakin

Communication Instructor

Allison's Bio



This is an asynchronous course offered through Canvas over a 5 week period. You should plan on spending 3 hours a week on this course.

Please note the course price does not include any credit card processing fees required by our vendor. Refunds can be issued within 48 hours of registration; no refunds will be given after the course has begun.