Juvenile Justice Certificate Program
Ended May 3, 2024
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Full course description
The Juvenile Justice Certificate Program is designed for anyone working with youth at risk of or involved in the juvenile justice or related systems (for example, child welfare, education, etc.). This program provides a comprehensive view into the research that supports juvenile justice best practices and helps participants apply that knowledge in practice. Participants will engage with local and national experts on essential topics such as adolescent development, evidence-based interventions, policy reform, equity and inclusion, restorative practices, and more. This program also provides an innovative youth engagement model, where youth with lived experience serve as trainers and coaches.
Participants who complete the program will receive a certificate in motivational interviewing and gain specific skills in, but not limited to, reflective practice, group facilitation, restorative circles, and youth engagement. Skill development will be demonstrated through monthly activities and a final Capstone Project.
Individuals likely to benefit the most from the curriculum are those who have a passion for working with at-risk youth but have limited education and/or juvenile justice experience, have education outside the juvenile justice field, or those with a desire to learn and stretch their knowledge and skills.
For more information, go to the Juvenile Justice Certificate Program website.