Anti-Racism in Early Childhood Education (Listing)
Ended Jun 30, 2021
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Full course description
Learning objectives will include:
1. Recognize the role of racism, past and present, in the broader U.S context and schooling system
2. Engage in cri/cal self-reflec/on as a means to unearth and interrogate how socializa/on experiences as well as the racial discourse of U.S society may impact areas of teaching practice
3. Develop and implement an anti-racist early years curriculum so as to foster positive racial identity development among racialized children
4. Develop knowledge of and skills in creating anti- racist play-based environments
5. Develop anti-racist pedagogy, instructional practices
6. Cultivate anti-racist family- centered partnerships
7. Recognize how racial trauma may affect young children and develop racial-trauma informed teaching
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